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miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Republic of Atlantis

The flag of the Republic of Atlantis was adopted on the 15 June, 2010, containing a field with two stripes (white and yellow), and a blue equilateral triangle at the hoist with a white 5-pointed star. The flag of Atlantis was designed in 2010 by Alexander Virgili in view of the popular election of the flag. The flag win the elections with the 75% votes. Another flag candidate was the actually flag of the W.M.A. Only months after Virgili made known the inspiration of the flag. The inspiration came while Alexander Virgili was watching a film on the tv, Bananas of Woody Allen. "The film had an important storyline on the dictatorship and tha nations and the flag that they used in the film struck me immediately" said Virgili.
"I think that the flag should like to everyone, not necessarily have a symbolism and the citizens have voted this flag" said Alexander Virgili. Anyway many people think that the yellow symbolizes the sun, sun of a rebirth. The white star on a dark blue background (the sky) can symbolize the man. The white symbolize the peaceful intents. 


The United Federation of Planets, also known as "the Federation" or the UFP, is a fictional interplanetary federal republic depicted in the Star Trek television series and motion pictures. In those episodes and films, the Federation is described as an interstellar federal polity with, as of the year 2373, more than 150 member planets and thousands of colonies spread across 8,000 light years of the Milky Way Galaxy, and taking the form of a post-capitalist liberal democracy and constitutional republic. It has also been described as a utopian socialist society. The Federation is described as stressing, at least nominally, the values of universal liberty, equality, justice, peace, and cooperation.[2] The Federation also maintains its own military and exploratory agency, known as Starfleet, also written as "Star Fleet" in some texts.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Bandera de San Miguel de Bernuy

Bandera rectangular de proporciones 2:3, dividida verticalmente en dos partes en proporciones 1/3 al asta y 2/3 al batiente, siendo rojo el del asta con una espada con la punta hacia arriba , y blanca con dos franjas
en horizontal onduladas azules al batiente de 1/10 del ancho de la bandera .
San Miguel de Bernuy, 20 de mayo de 2003.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Arrúbal estrenará bandera y escudo heráldico

Otro de los asuntos aprobados ayer en la sesión del Consejo de Gobierno fue la bandera y el escudo heráldico representativo del municipio de Arrúbal. La configuración del mismo fue informada favorablemente por la Real Academia de la Historia, según explicó ayer el portavoz del Ejecutivo riojano, Emilio del Río.
El escudo de Arrúbal es de fondo azul y sobre ondas de plata (blanco) y azul, una barcaza de oro (amarillo). Jefe partido de plata y gules con las tres lises del uno en el otro.
Al timbre, corona real cerrada. Por su parte, la bandera acordada es rectangular, sobre el paño azul, tres franjas verticales y ondadas de blanco; terciado al asta, un cortado de rojo y blanco. Una memoria histórico-heráldica fundamentará el escudo y la bandera.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Peñaflor de Hornija


Bandera rectangular de proporciones 2:3, formada por dos franjas verticales en proporciones 1/3 al asta y 2/3 al batiente, enclavadas de tres enclaves, siendo rojo al asta y blanca con una franja ondada azul de 1/7 de ancho de la bandera al batiente. Peñaflor de Hornija,8 de mayo de 2002.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011


The current Reigning Monarch is His Royal Majesty David Eugene I of the House of Mevis. His Majesty assumed the Throne on 29 April 1977, the day of his eighteenth birthday. As the Kingdom's Founding Noble the King has committed his life to working toward Sovereignty for the Kingdom of Bahoud

His Majesty King David I was born in Peru, Indiana on 29 April 1959 the only child of a decorated military family.
His Majesty assumed his constitutional powers as King of the Kingdom of Bahoudii on 29 April 1977, the day of his eighteenth birthday. The King is committed to working for Sovereignty, Statehood, and International Recognition of the Kingdom of Bahoudii.
His Majesty has four children: H.R.H. Prince Matthew Daniel, born 19 January 1979; H.H. Prince Benjamin Peter, born 19 November 1982; H.H. Prince Paul Joseph, born 19 November 1982; and H.H. Princess Mary Rachel, born 1 December 1984.
On 3 February 2009, His Majesty suffered the greatest tragedy of his life when H.H. Benjamin Peter was murdered.  The Consulate in Lake Charles, Louisiana U.S.A. is dedicated to the memory of His Highness.  The official dedication was held on 2 May 2009 when the dedication plaque was mounted and unveiled.
His Majesty began his education at schools conducted on military installations operated by the United States Air Force and received his secondary education at La Grange High School in Lake Charles, Louisiana, U.S.A.  He then attended Louisiana College and Mc Neese State University, both in Louisiana, studying religion and history education.  In 1984, His Majesty attended a Special Studies course in Military Special Forces Operations and participated in several covert special operations.  He then returned to Bahoudii and served two years with the Bahoudii Defense Force Naval Department patrolling offshore waters.
In 1985, the King entered Baton Rouge School of Computers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he received his formal education in computer programming, and then in 1987, he attended WKG T.V. and Electronics College where he completed his electronics studies.

His Majesty currently holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts(1984), a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies(1990), and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Religious Studies(1994), along with an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree (1991), and an Honorary Doctor of Metaphysics degree(1988). He also currently holds the rank of Colonel in the Bahoudii Defense Force.
His Majesty was ordained on 22 January 1988, and named head of the Church of Bahoudii and Defender of the Faith on 1 August 1990.


Sobre pano azul escuro, dúas chaves de amarelo dispostas á asta, paralelas á vaíña, encostadas e entretidas.